Why am I creating this series?
I know that there is so much power in a story. There is a lot of impact that a story can make in a person’s life (the one who lived it and the one who reads about it). It can inspire people to do more, it can move people through their tough times and it can make them feel heard and feel seen.
After writing about some of my story in my book When the Meaning is Lost and receiving the messages of how it impacted people, I understood the power in a story and how sharing your life can create an impact in a much bigger way.
Everyone has a story and so many of you told me that you want to share your story so, I wanted to provide a way for these experiences to be shared.
The stories will be compiled into a 4-book series with 25 stories in each book (this may be subject to change as this project begins to unfold). The focus of the book will be to inspire, to motivate, to move and to impact other women who are going through something similar to what you went through and the other authors went through in their lives.
The title for the book series is yet to be determined and I will share that with you once I have decided upon it.
In additional to the story submission for the book, I am hoping to also record a video conversation with you about your story and use that for a YouTube Channel, marketing promos for the book and the audio for a podcast all dedicated to this series and inspiring women through your stories.
Be sure to join our private Facebook group if you are considering writing your story. I provide you will support, inspiration and ways to write on a weekly basis. Click here to join the group.
Guidelines for your Story
The stories in this book series should be inspirational, moving, and motivational. It is a story about going through a life experience and how you came out of it stronger, more powerful and knowing more of who you are.
Your story should help the readers in their own lives. The reader should feel your emotion and the images created in your story should fulfill the five senses.
We want them to be right there with you in the story. Your story should be written in the first person and have a beginning, middle and end. It should be filled with emotion and passion and leave the reader feeling more hopeful, inspired and connected to who they are and how they want to live their life.
Writing your Story
1. Write a story about something that has happened to you. All stories must be true (this is not for creative or fiction writing).
2. Tell your story in a way that will draw the reader in. The story should start “in the action”. Do not introduce your story or end with a concluding paragraph.
3. Speak from the heart. Telling your personal story is not only powerful for the reader to experience but also for you to write.
4. Keep your story to between 2000-5000 words. This allows for your story to have even deeper mean and create more of an impact.
5. Your story is not an essay, a sermon, a thesis, a journal entry, a biography or testimonial. It should not be political in nature or about a controversial issue.
Story Submission
1. You can submit your story in two ways:
- You can choose to write it yourself based on the helpful tips and guidelines below
- You can fill out this questionnaire and email it back to me.
Either way, submit your story in a word document (or something similar that I can edit) via email to jill@jillethier.com.
2. Please only submit stories that have not been previously published.
3. Once your story has been submitted, you will be notified if it has been selected via email and there will be a request for your permission to print it. Your approval for any edits that have been made prior to the book being published will also be requested.
4. If your story is published, you will receive two free copies of the book (my gift to you for taking the time to share your story. There will be one for you to keep and one to give away) and you will be featured on the website and social media.
Some Helpful Tips for Writing your Story
1. Tell your story like you would tell a friend who is sitting next to you.
2. Don’t overthink it.
3. Here are some questions to get you started or to think about as you are writing: What was the hardest part of your experience? How this experience served you now in your life? What was the gift in the experience? What do you want people to know who are going through something similar? What hope can you impart to others? What did you do to make going through your experience easier? What would you do differently? Why has this made you stronger? How has this changed you?
4. Do not start editing until you are done writing your story. Complete your rough draft and then return to the beginning to edit.
5. Read your story out loud. You will get a better feel for the flow of the story and what parts are missing or where more information or descriptors are needed.
6. Share your story with a friend for feedback. They may ask some questions that require you to do more writing for clarification.
7. Email me if you are struggling to write your story. Maybe we need to record your video first and then the story will come from that. If you have a story to tell, don’t let the writing part stop you. I want you to do this so let me assist you in the process!
8. It may be super easy for you to write this or it may be hard. It doesn’t matter which it is, just do it anyways. It will be worth it in the end.
Thank you so much for considering to be on this journey with me. It is truly appreciated. If you are interested in writing a story, please email me at jill@jillethier.com to let me know so that I can keep in contact with you and encourage you along the way.
xoxo, Jill