I believe in the Law of Attraction. But…
I also know that just because you can dream it and visualize it, doesn’t mean that it will come into your life.
The Law of Attraction actually requires action. It requires doing things to get you closer to what you desire most and an openness to receiving things on the journey towards your dreams, desires and goals.
To work for you, it requires focused thought, a lot of gratitude and an attitude of love.
It isn’t just thinking of something, visualizing it, putting it on your vision board or declaring it, there is a big part of the Law of Attraction that people are missing. And that is the action part. The universe responds to your actions not just your thoughts and intentions.
I dive into this and more in the latest episode of Ninja Jill KNOWS podcast: Episode 294: What you need to know about the Law of Attraction.
In this episode of Ninja Jill KNOWS, I share about how you can make the Law of Attraction work for you.
This is the longest podcast episode yet but it is well worth your time. Listen in and share this with someone you know who needs to hear it.
~ Jill