When something happens (because stuff always happens), what are you looking at?
Do you focus on all the negative stuff?
Do you go straight to problem solving?
Do you look for the lesson?
How do you react?
Are you dramatic?
Are you complacent?
Are you accepting of what is?
All of this matters.
Well, stuff is always going to happen in our lives. Things that we don’t want to happen will still happen and how you CHOOSE TO LOOK AT IT defines how you will REACT TO IT and take the action needed to CHANGE IT.
So, how do you choose to look at things? The sooner that you can accept what is, make a plan and see the lesson, the faster you will move through the situation and continue to create what you most in your life.
I dive into this even more in one my latest podcast episodes. Take a listen to Episode 117: Choose to look at it that way to learn more about the importance of how you look at things at what you can do to shift how you see things. If this message resonates with you, please share it, rate and review it on iTunes for me or sign up to never miss an episode on iTunes here and PASS IT ON. I’d really appreciate it.
You are in charge of how you choose to look at things and ultimately your reaction and the action you take to try to change it. It’s always your choice.
Live your life with purpose, do YOU.
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