I believe that your home is your FOUNDATION.
It is the space where you can rest, renew and reset. It is a place where your dreams come to life, where your goals are set and where your intentions are created.
If your life is not what you want it to be right now, you can create a shift by shifting the energy in your home. In Feng Shui, I have learned that the state of your home reflects the state of your life. And when you shift the energy in your home, you change your personal energy which then creates a shift in your life.
Feng Shui is something that I have used since 2006 to not only create a home that feels peaceful and calm but also to set goals and intentions for all areas of my life. When you lay the Bagua Energy map on your home, it divides your space into 9 different areas. These 9 areas represents the abundance, self-discovery, relationships, creativity, assistance, purpose, wisdom, community and well-being in your life. In Feng Shui, when you add certain colors and elements to these specific areas of your home, you do so with clear intention. A shift in the energy in your home (and your life) occurs because of the physical change AND the intention.
Listen in to Episode 338: Shifting the Energy in your Home to Shift the Energy in your Life to find out 3 simple ways to create a change in your home that will shift your life!
~ Jill
To learn more about Feng Shui, click here.